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亿利公益基金会、TREELION基金会主席聂竹莉女士分享 “中国库布其治沙模式”




参加本次论坛专题深度讨论的主要嘉宾还有联合国防治荒漠化公约科学、技术与创新项目官员贾晓霞、联合国粮农组织土壤健康与气候变化专家迈克拉·布朗、中国农业农村部农垦局局长左常升、菲律宾农业部门土壤与水资源管理局局长吉娜·P·尼洛、联合国防治荒漠化公约全球机制创新金融项目官员Utchang Kan、蒙古地理与地理生态研究所高级研究员曼达赫·尼安特塞伦等。与会嘉宾一致认为,亿利“光伏+治沙”的创新实践充分利用了库布其沙漠丰富的光照资源、广阔的未利用荒漠化土地,亿利库布其的立体生态光伏治沙模式,走出一条新能源发电、沙漠治理、生态修复、种植养殖和鼓励当地社群参与的科学共赢治沙之路,对加速实现联合国土地退化零增长和可持续发展目标有着重要的借鉴意义。



Asia and the Pacific Food Security Forum 2024: Showcasing Sustainable Practices with Ms. Julie Nie’s Insight on the Kubuqi Model

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12 April 2024, Manila, Philippines

The Asia and Pacific Food Security Forum 2024 held in Manila from April 9 to 12 is pivotal platform for addressing the challenges of food security and climate resilience. A key highlight of this year’s forum was the session “Co-development of Renewable Energy and Carbon Farming for Nature-Food-Climate Solutions” on 12 April, where Ms. Julie Nie, Chairperson of the Elion Foundation and General Secretary of the Treelion Foundation, delivered a compelling presentation on the Kubuqi Model.

Ms. Julie Nie, Chairperson of Elion Foundation and General Secretary of Treelion Foundation, presenting the “Kubuqi Model” of China

Within this session, Julie explored the remarkable transformation of the Kubuqi Desert, once a barren landscape and now a flourishing oasis, demonstrating an exemplary model of environmental sustainability and economic development. Through a combination of renewable energy projects, sustainable farming practices, and eco-tourism, this initiative has turned one-third of China’s seventh largest desert into a thriving habitat, while also boosting the local economy.

“The Kubuqi Model illustrates a successful synergy between ecological restoration and economic viability,” Julie explained. “This model has not only restored biodiversity in what was once a desolate area but has also created sustainable livelihoods, proving that environmental conservation can go hand-in-hand with community development.”

Ms. Julie Nie with other guest speakers of the session

The session served as a critical platform to discuss the broader implications of such sustainable practices in achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets across Asia and the Pacific. It brought together policymakers, government officials, and experts in climate change and food systems, who are now considering how the lessons from Kubuqi can be adapted and applied to similar landscapes facing degradation.

As Julie shared insights from the Kubuqi experience, the forum underscored the importance of integrating renewable energy and sustainable agriculture to build resilient food systems. Julie’s presentation not only highlighted the impact of these initiatives but also inspired dialogue on replicating such models throughout the region. As the forum concluded, the story of Kubuqi resonated as a beacon of innovation and hope, encouraging new partnerships and projects aimed at ecological restoration and sustainable development across Asia and the Pacific.

For more information please visit: Food Security Forum 2024 (adb.org)


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爲确保评审过程的公正性和专业性,大赛汇集了一批业界知名专家组成的评审团,包括工银国际行业投资部联合负责人周晓钰先生(Mr. Jason Zhou)、香港地球之友行政总裁洪蔼诚博士(Dr. Jeffrey Hung)、香港中文大学地理与资源管理系副教授徐袁教授(Prof. XU Yuan)、AEX Holdings Limited创始人兼首席执行官黄杰夫先生(Mr. Jeff Huang)、奥宇宙顾问有限公司创始人廖永杰先生(Mr. Harry Liu)以及亿利公益基金有限公司理事长聂竹莉女士(Ms. Julie Nie)。评审团的专业见解确保了每个方案的创新性、实施可能性以及对环境的实际贡献得以被公平、细致地考量。

AEX Holdings Limited创始人兼首席执行官黄杰夫先生(右一)、香港地球之友行政总裁洪蔼诚博士(右二)、亿利公益基金有限公司理事长聂竹莉女士(右三)




Successful Conclusion of the 2nd Kubuqi Award’s Final Judging Day

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April 11, 2024, Hong Kong

On April 11, 2024, the final judging day for the 2nd Kubuqi Award was held successfully. Nine finalist teams from the university group presented their final projects, contending for the top three awards. During each presentation, the students showcased their creativity and practical skills towards the challenge of sustainability and environmental protection.

Dr. CHUI Ho Kwong, Samuel, JP, Director of Environmental Protection with the judging panel

To assess the projects’ innovation, feasibility, and environmental impact, the competition invited six distinguished experts from the fields of environmental and sustainable development, academia, and business. The judging panel included Mr. Jeff Huang, Founder and CEO of AEX Holdings Limited; Dr. Jeffrey Hung, CEO of Friends of the Earth (HK); Mr. Harry Liu, Founder of Sustainable Odyverse Consulting Limited; Ms. Julie Nie, Chairperson of the Elion Foundation; Prof. XU Yuan, Associate Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Mr. Jason Zhou, Executive Director at ICBC International Holdings Limited.

Dr. CHUI with Ms. Julie Nie, Chairperson of Elion Foundation and the students

Dr. CHUI Ho Kwong, Samuel, JP, Director of Environment Protection, also graced the event, lending his support to the young competitors. He inspired the students with his words, saying, “Success is a process, not an end. I hope you all can learn from the experience of participating in the Kubuqi Award.”

The judging day’s success underscored the Elion Foundation’s commitment to environmental education and fostering innovation among youth. It also reflected a shared societal commitment to sustainable development. Through the Kubuqi Award, the Elion Foundation aims to motivate more young individuals to engage with ecological and environmental issues, participate in sustainable practices, and contribute to a greener planet.”

Treelion Lands on Hong Kong Green Fintech Map, Embarking on a New Chapter of Carbon Credit Trading, Analytics and Technology

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March 8, 2024, Hong Kong

Treelion proudly announces its successful inclusion in the Hong Kong Green Fintech Map1, which marks a significant milestone for our company in the field of green fintech.

1.  During the Hong Kong Green Week, the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group, in collaboration with Cyberport and InvestHK, jointly unveiled the prototype of the Hong Kong Green Fintech Map at the event themed “Green Fintech: Catalyst for Scaling Sustainable Finance” on Mar 1st. The map catalogs green fintech enterprises operating in Hong Kong, aiming to assist businesses and financial institutions in identifying green fintech solutions that align with their operational needs.

As a company focusing on green fintech, Treelion is committed to building a green digital platform based on blockchain technology, aiming to create an inclusive green financial ecosystem. It realizes the certification, circulation, and transaction of carbon credits through an innovative business model, reduces costs and risks, enhances the value and financial attributes of green assets, and provides customers with more efficient and convenient solutions.

As part of Hong Kong Green Fintech Map, Treelion is in the “Carbon Credit Trading, Analytics and Technology” sector. We will continue to deepen the business in Hong Kong, improve the business innovations, promote the development of carbon credit-related technologies, and endeavor to expand its influence in the green fintech sector. This will facilitate the development and trading of green assets globally, supporting and facilitating environmental protection.

For more information about the Hong Kong Green Finance Technology Map, please visit:

Securities and Futures Commission: Green Fintech Map launch showcases Hong Kong’s edge in sustainable finance | Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong (sfc.hk)

Fintech News Hong Kong: Hong Kong Introduces Prototype Green Fintech Map – Fintech Hong Kong (fintechnews.hk)

Hong Kong’s Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group: Prototype Hong Kong Green Fintech Map 2024 | HONG KONG WORLD’S SUSTAINABLE FINANCE HUB


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Treelion成功登上了香港绿色金融科技地图1, 在绿色金融科技行业的发展与聚合中迈出了重要的一步。

1.      3月1日香港绿色周期间,在“活用科技 催化可持续金融”的活动上,绿色和可持续金融跨机构督导小组与数码港和投资推广署共同推出了香港绿色金融科技地图的原型。该地图列出了在香港拥有业务的绿色金融科技企业的目录,以支持企业和金融机构识别符合其业务需求的绿色金融科技解决方案




香港证监会:绿色金融科技地图发布 展现香港的可持续金融优势 | 证券及期货事务监察委员会 (sfc.hk)

Fintech News Hong Kong:Hong Kong Introduces Prototype Green Fintech Map – Fintech Hong Kong (fintechnews.hk)

绿色和可持续金融跨机构督导小组: Prototype Hong Kong Green Fintech Map 2024 | 香港環球可持續金融中心 (sustainablefinance.org.hk)

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