TREELION is one of the leading green digital finance platforms powered by a safe, reliable, and scalable blockchain infrastructure. We are building a digital business ecosystem to facilitate capital flows globally for a new green economy.


Mr. Plato K. T. Yip, CEO of Treelion was invited to participate in the 2021 CRO Summit and shared Treelion’s contribution in the battle of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 in China

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On the 14th of January, 2021, Treelion CEO Mr. Plato K. T. Yip participated in the annual CRO summit in Shanghai via zoom meeting. He was invited to participate in the 14th Five-Year Plan roundtable forum during which he shared Treelion’s role of assisting enterprises in the low-carbon transformation process.

Last year, at the 75th UN General Assembly, President Xi Jinping proposed that China will strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. The Chinese leadership also reconfirmed this goal in the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Goals for 2035. Hence, low carbon economy and carbon reduction have become one of the most important topics for China’s sustainable development in the next 40 years.

In this regard, Mr. Plato K. T. Yip, told the audience that the goal of achieving carbon neutrality is to encourage enterprises to carry out more carbon-reduction activities. More importantly, the message must reach their consumers and encourage everyone to participate in low-carbon or carbon-reduction activities as a habit in daily life. Mr. Yip is of the view that this is fundamental for being able to achieve carbon neutrality goal.

Mr. Plato K. T. Yip also pointed out the paint points of developing a bigger green economy. There are problems with different standards, low liquidity, and low-level participation from a wider community in society. Therefore, Treelion is using the open, transparent, and non-tamperable features of blockchain technology to establish a standardized and trustworthy distributed storage platform to increase financial attributes to green assets, thereby encouraging enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises as well as individuals to participate in the low carbon economy.

Treelion has been designing and developing projects, such as a seed pencil with blockchain enabled technology functions, as a public good. People created pencils by cutting down trees, Treelion’s seed pencils aim at planting and giving back to nature. The seed pencil contains blockchain enabled codes to encourage people to register the planting act and share experience with each other. It is a convenient way to plant at home, in workplaces or in schools. Millions of people can be mobilized to participate in this low carbon planting campaign.

In the coming year, Treelion and SynTao, the organizer of this summit, will jointly launch new activities to help companies to lower their carbon footprints. Seed pencils are included in the plan as a tool for employees and customers to join this planting relay. At the same time, Treelion and Elion Group are going to plant for participating corporations to plant trees in Kubuqi desert area, so that people can participate in the forming of an oasis in the city and in the desert.

Mr. Plato K. T. Yip also asked the audience of the meeting to continue supporting the building of a greener country to achieve the goal of carbon neutral. Treelion looks forward to collaborate with more organizations for building a better world.

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